Investment in the Email Ecosystem
Investment in the Email Ecosystem
Last week, my colleague George Bilbrey posted about how (turns out – shocking!) email still isn’t dead yet.
Not only is he right, but the whole premise of defending email from the attackers who call it “legacy” or “uninteresting” is backwards. The inbox is getting more and more interesting these days, not less. At Return Path, we’ve seen a tremendous amount of startup activitiy and investment (these two things can go together but don’t have to) in in front end of email in the past couple years. I’d point to three sub-trends of this theme of “the inbox getting more interesting.”
First, major ISPs and mailbox operators are starting to experiment with more interesting applications inside their inboxes. As the postmaster of one of the major ISPs said to me recently, “we’ve spent years stripping functionality out of email in the name of security – now that we have security more under control, we would like to start adding functionality back in.” Google’s recent announcement about allowing third-party developers to access your email with your permission is one example, as is their well-documented experiment with NetFlix’s branded favicon showing up in the inbox starting a few months back. And Hotmail’s most recent release, which has been well covered online (including this article which George wrote in Mediapost a couple months ago) also includes some trials of web-like functionality in the inbox, as well as other easy ways for users to view and experience their inboxes other than the age-old “last message in on top” method. Yahoo has done a couple things along these lines as well of late, and one can assume they have other things in the works as well.
I wouldn’t be surprised if many ISPs roll out a variety of enhanced functionality over the next couple of years, although these systems can take a lot of time to change. Although some of these changes present challenges for marketers and publishers, these are generally major plusses for end users as well as the companies who send them email – email is probably the only Internet application people spend tons of time in that’s missing most state of the art web functionality.
Second, although Google Wave got a lot of publicity about reinventing the inbox experience before Google shut it down a couple weeks ago, there are probably a dozen startups that are working on richer inboxes as well, either through plug-ins or what I’d call a “web email client overlay” – you can still use your Yahoo!, Hotmail, Gmail, or other address (your own domain, or a POP or IMAP account), but read the mail through one of these new clients. Regardless of the technology, these companies are all trying, with different angles here or there, to make the inbox experience more interesting, relevant, productive, and in many cases, tied into your “social graph” and/or third-party web content.
The two big ones here in terms of active user base are Xobni, an Outlook plugin that matches social graph to inbox and produces a lot of interesting stats for its users; and Xoopit, which recently got acquired by Yahoo and wraps content indexing and discovery into its mail client.
Gist matches social graph data and third-party content like feeds and blogs into something that’s a hybrid of plugin and stand-alone web application. That sounds a little like Threadsy, although that’s still in closed beta, so it’s hard to tell exactly what’s going to surface out of it. There’s also Zenbe and Kwaga, and Xiant, which focus on creating a more productive inbox experience for power users.
Furthermore, services like OtherInbox and Boxbe aim to help users cut through the clutter of their inboxes and simultaneously create a more effective means for marketers to reach customers (say what you will about that concept, but at least it has a clear revenue model, which some of the other services listed above don’t have).
Finally, a number of services are popping up which give marketers and publishers easy-to-use advanced tools to improve their conversion or add other enhanced functionality to email. For example, RPost, a company we announced a partnership with a couple months back, provides legal proof of delivery for email with some cool underlying technology. LiveClicker (also a Return Path partner) provides hosted analytics-enabled email video in lightweight and easy-to-use ways that work in the majority of inboxes.
Sympact (another Return Path partner) dynamically renders content in an email based on factors like time of day and geolocation – so the same email, in the same inbox, will render, for example, Friday’s showtimes for New York when I open it in my office on Friday afternoon but Saturday’s showtimes for San Francisco after I fly out west for the weekend. And a Belgian company called 8Seconds (you guessed it, another Return Path partner) does on-the-fly multivariate testing of email content in a way that blows away traditional A/B methods. While these tools require some basic things to be in place to work optimally, like having images on by default or links working, they don’t by and large require special deals with ISPs to make the services function.
While these tools are aimed at marketers, they will also make end users’ email experiences much better by improving relevance or by adding value in other ways.
Some of this makes me wonder whether there’s a trend that will lead to disaggregation of the value chain in consumer email – splitting the front end (what consumers see) from the back end (who runs the mail server). But that’s probably another topic for another day. In the meantime, I’ll say three cheers for innovation in the email space. It’s long overdue and will greatly enrich the environment in the coming years as these services gain adoption.
The Value (and Limitations) of Benchmarking
The Value (and Limitations) of Benchmarking
I think I am starting to drive my team nuts a little bit. I have suggested, prodded, and executed a ton of external benchmarking projects this year, all of which have different leaders inside Return Path doing both systematic and ad hoc phone calls and meetings with peer companies and aspirational peer companies to understand how we compare to them in terms of specific metrics, practices, and structures. It’s some combination of the former management consultant in me rearing its head, and me just trying to make sure that we stay ahead of the curve as we rapidly scale our business this year.
Why go through an exercise like this? One answer is that you don’t want to reinvent the wheel. If a non-competitive comparable company has solved a problem or done some good creative thinking, then I say “plagiarize with pride,” especially if you’re sharing your best practices with them. The reality of scaling a business is that things change when you go from 50 to 100 people, or 150 to 300, or 300 to 1,000 — and unless you and your entire executive team have “been there, done that” at all levels, or unless you are constantly replacing execs, there’s not exactly an instruction manual for the work you have to do.
But a second, equally valuable answer, is that benchmarking can uncover both problems and opportunities that you didn’t know you had, or at least validate theories about problems and opportunities that you suspect you have. Learning that comparable companies convert 50% better on their marketing funnel than you do, or that they systematically raise prices 5-7% per year regardless of new feature introduction (I’m just making these examples up) can help you steer the ship in ways you might not have thought you needed to.
What are the limitations of benchmarking? As our CTO Andy said to me the other day, sometimes no one else has the answer, either. We do run into this regularly – for example, a tough technical problem where literally no one else does it well like disaster recovery. Or in how to solve channel conflict problems or streamline commission plans.
Also, sometimes you find out that you are actually best in class at a particular function. In those cases, while one could just chalk up the exercise to a waste of time, I still think there is learning to be had from studying others. And if there are a couple other companies who are also best in class, I always encourage group brainstorming among the top peers about how to push the envelope further and be even better. This can even take the form of a regular peer group meeting/forum.
On the whole, I find benchmarking a good management practice and in particular a good use of time. But like everything, it’s situational, and you have to understand what you’re looking for when you start your questioning. You also have to be prepared to find nothing – and go back to your own drawing board. Good entrepreneurs have to be great at both inventing and, as I noted above, plagiarizing with pride.
I Don’t Want to Be Your Friend (Today), part III
I Don’t Want to Be Your Friend (Today), part III
My first thought when my colleague Jen Goldman forwarded me a SlideShare presentation that was 224 pages long was, “really?” But a short 10 minutes and 224 clicks later, I am glad I spent the time on it.
Paul Adams, a Senior User Experience Researcher at Google, put the presentation up called The Real Life Social Network. Paul describes the problem I discuss in Part I and Part II of this series much more eloquently than I have, with great real world examples and thoughts for web designers at the end.
If you’re involved in social media and want to start breaking away from the “one size of friend fits all” mentality – this is a great use of time.
Agile Marketing, Part II
Agile Marketing, Part II
I wrote about this years ago when I was temporarily running Marketing and was noting a lot of the similarities between running contemporary Product Development and Marketing efforts.
Nick Van Weerdenburg just put up a great post called Why Marketing is Becoming Like Software Development which you should read if you run or work in, or work closely with, a marketing department.
Feature Requests
Feature Requests
Here are two new features I’d like to see in life:
- Any time you hit “reply to all” when you are in the BCC line – a giant red alert should pop up and say “are you really sure you want to let all these people know that you were BCCd on this thread?”
- Any time you place a call to a cell phone that’s outside of the person’s normal time zone – a giant red alert should pop up and say “are you sure you want to call this person at 3 a.m. in Singapore?” before completing the call
I’m not sure to whom these requests should be addressed, so I’ll just start with the open web.
Mental Maps
Mental Maps
I recently went grocery shopping at a store I’d never been to before, Stew Leonard’s, and, no offense to Stew, I am unlikely to be a repeat customer. While there were some things about the store that were better than most grocery stores, the experience drove me nuts. Here’s why.
The store is laid out completely differently from standard grocery stores. Most stores, even unusual ones like Whole Foods or Trader Joe’s, have a nearly identical layout. One side is produce, frozen foods in the middle, meats in the back, dairy around the other side, standard aisles have bread, baking stuff, cans, cereals, drinks and snacks, etc. Go shopping enough, and you can generally find your way around any store in your sleep.
Stew Leonard’s decided to break the model. The store has no aisles and is linear – you just keep walking in one direction/flow and hit every single section of the store before you reach the end of the maze at the cashiers. One bonus is that they merchandise some things well and put logical items next to each other (burgers next to buns). But you can’t really go back if you missed something, you have no idea what’s coming up next, you can’t tell if you’ve seen all of a given class of item yet since different elements of every category keep popping up.
Sometimes that kind of a risk can pay off in a breakthrough new product design. Maybe people buy more items at Stew’s because things are set up differently. But the experience was very disorienting, the shop took twice as long as usual, and I couldn’t find a bunch of things so I still had to go to A&P afterwards – basically, the costs outweighed the benefits.
The obvious comparison here to our professional world is UI design. Breakthrough redesigns are always risky. They can produce better user experiences, but they can also confuse new visitors or less sophisticated users, and they risk an immediate reaction of “I can’t figure this site out, goodbye.”
UPDATE: Comments aren’t working today on the new blog, but my friend Pete Warden just emailed me a great comment about this post:
Your post reminded me of an incident at Apple that I wanted to share…One of the engineers was advocating for a UI change to an existing product. It clearly made the interface more elegant and logical, but our designer was pushing back hard. Finally the designer said “If you put that change in, I’m going to sneak into your house tonight and move all your furniture to different positions”. That analogy stuck with me; familiarity is what enables us to use a tool without having to stop and think, and so you need a really strong reason to change the structure of an interface.
Book Short: Multiplying Your Team’s Productivity
Book Short: Multiplying Your Team’s Productivity
No matter how frustrated a kids’ soccer coach gets, he never, ever runs onto the field in the middle of a game to step in and play. It’s not just against the rules, it isn’t his or her role.
Multipliers: How the Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter by Liz Wiseman and Greg McKeown (book, Kindle) takes this concept and drives it home. The book was a great read, one of the better business books I’ve read in a long time. I read a preview of it via an article in a recent Harvard Business Review (walled garden alert – you can only get the first page of the article without buying it), then my colleague George Bilbrey got the book and suggested I read it. George also has a good post up on his blog about it.
One of the things I love about the book is that unlike a lot of business books, it applies to big companies and small companies with equal relevance. The book echoes a lot of other contemporary literature on leadership (Collins, Charan, Welch) but pulls it into a more accessible framework based on a more direct form of impact: not long-term shareholder value, but staff productivity and intelligence. The book’s thesis is that the best managers get more than 2x out of their people than the average – some of that comes from having people more motivated and stretching, but some comes from literally making people more intelligent by challenging them, investing in them, and leaving them room to grow and learn.
The thesis has similar roots to many successful sales philosophies – that asking value-based questions is more effective than presenting features and benefits (that’s probably a good subject for a whole other post sometime). The method of selling we use at Return Path which I’ve written about before, SPIN Selling, based on the book by Neil Rackham, gets into that in good detail. One colorful quote in the book around this came from someone who met two famous 19th century British Prime Ministers and noted that when he came back from a meeting with Gladstone, he was convinced that Gladstone was the smartest person in the world, but when he came back from a meeting with Disraeli, he was convinced that he (not Disraeli) was the smartest person in the world.
Anyway, the book creates archetypal good and bad leaders, called Multipliers and Diminishers, and discusses five traits of both:
- Talent Magnet vs. Empire Builder (find people’s native genius and amplify it)
- Liberator vs. Tyrant (create space, demand the best work, delineate your “hard opinions” from your “soft opinions”)
- Challenger vs. Know-It-All (lay down challenges, ask hard questions)
- Debate Maker vs. Decision Maker (ask for data, ask each person, limit your own participation in debates)
- Investor vs. Micromanager (delegate, teach and coach, practice public accountability)
This was a great read. Any manager who is trying to get more done with less (and who isn’t these days) can benefit from figuring out how to multiply the performance of his or her team by more than 2x.
OnlyOnce, Part II
OnlyOnce, Part II
After more than six years, my blog starting looking like, well, a six-year old blog on an off-the-shelf template. Thanks to my friends at Slice of Lime, OnlyOnce has a new design as of today as well as some new navigation and other features like a tag cloud and Twitter feed (and a new platform, WordPress rather than Typepad). I know many people only read my posts via feed or email (those won’t change), but if you have a minute, feel free to take a look. The site also has its own URL now –
With my shiny new template, I may add some other features or areas of content over time, as well. There are still a couple things that are only 95% baked, but I love the new look and wanted to make if “official” today. Thanks to Kevin, Jeff, Mike, Lindsay, and everyone at Slice of Lime for their excellent design work, and for my colleague Andrea for helping do the heavy lifting of porting everything over to the new platform.
Automated Love
Automated Love
Return Path is launching a new mini feature sometime this week to our clients. Normally I wouldn’t blog about this — I think this is mini enough that we’re probably not even saying much about it publicly at the company. But it’s an interesting concept that I thought I’d riff on a little bit.
I forget what we’re calling the program officially — probably something like “Client Status Emails” or “Performance Summary Alerts” — but a bunch of us have been calling it by the more colorful term “Automated Love” for a while now.
The art of account management or client services for an on-demand software company is complex and has evolved significantly from the old days of relationship management. Great account management now means a whole slew of new things, like Being The Subject Matter Expert, and Training the Client. It’s less about the “hey, how are things going?” phone call and more about driving usage and value for clients.
As web services have taken off, particularly for small businesses or “prosumers,” most have built in this concept of Automated Love. The weekly email from the service to its user with charts, stats, benchmarks, and links to the web site, occasionally with some content or blog posts. It’s relatively easy (most of the content is database driven), it reminds customers that you’re there, working on their behalf in the background, it tells them what happened on their account or how they’re doing, it alerts them to current or looming problems, and it drives usage of your service. As a bonus for you internally, usually the same database queries that produce a good bit of Automated Love can also alert your account management team when a client’s usage pattern of your service changes or stops entirely.
While some businesses with low values of any single customer value can probably get away with having a client service function based ENTIRELY on Automated Love, I think any business with a web service MUST have Automated Love as a component of its client service effort.
The Greatest Minds in Email
I recently returned from a six-week sabbatical. It was fantastic. I blogged about it here if you’re curious about the experience. It turned out that, while I was gone, we had probably the most successful, least dramatic six weeks in our 10 year history. I had assumed that’s because the team buckled down while I was out, and so did our Board.
Little did we know what really happened during that six week stretch. It’s often said that when the cat’s away, the mice play. The short video below is what greeted me today at an all-hands meeting. If the team can crank out such great work and have this much fun while I’m out, well, I guess I should take more time off!
I Don’t Want to Be Your Friend (Today), part II
I think Facebook is starting to get out of control from a usability perspective. This doesn’t mean it’s not a great platform and that it doesn’t have utility. But if the platform continues on its current path, the core system runs the risk of going sideways like its various predecessors: GeoCities, MySpace, etc. Maybe I’ll go in there to look for something or someone, but it won’t be a place I scroll through as part of a daily or semi-daily routine.
I wrote about this a year ago now, and while the site has some better tools to assign friends to groups, it doesn’t do any better job than it did a year ago about segregating information flow, either by group or by some kind of intelligence.
I don’t know why my home page, news feed, RSS feed, and iPhone app can’t easily show me posts from people I care about, but if it can’t do that soon enough, I will almost entirely stop using it. Can’t Facebook measure the strength of my connections? Can’t it at least put my wife’s posts at the top? My usage is already way down, and the trend is clear.
And I won’t really comment on Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg’s inane remark last week that “email is dead because young people don’t use it” other than to paraphrase two things I read on a discussion list I’m on: “Just checked, and you still need an email address to sign-up for a Facebook account,” and “Most teens don’t buy stocks so Wall Street has no future.” More entertaining analogies from Loren McDonald of Silverpop are listed here.