Not Just About Us
Not Just About Us
When we updated our values this year, we felt there were a couple critical business elements missing from this otherwise “how” series of statements. One thing missing was our clients and users! So we added this value to our list:
Not Just About Us: We know we’re successful when our clients are successful and our users are happy.
This may be one of the most straightforward statements of all our values, so this will be a short post. We serve lots of constituencies at Return Path. And we always talk about how we’re a “People First” organization and what that means. I suppose that inherently means we are a “Client Second” organization, though I’m not sure we’d ever come out and say that. We do believe that by being People First, we will ultimately do the best job for our customers.
That said, we aren’t in business just to build a great company or to have an impact on our community. Or even our shareholders. We are also in it for our customers. Whether we are producing a product for mailers, for ESPs, for ISPs, for security companies, for agencies, or for end users, we can’t forget that as an important element of our success every day.
Book Short: The Challenger Sale
Book Short: The Challenger Sale
I’ve written a couple times in the past about how we sell at Return Path. I’ve written about our principle sales methodology for the past decade, SPIN Selling, by Neil Rackham (and Major Account Strategy, also by Rackham, which is basically SPIN Selling for Account Managers), which focuses on a specific technique for solution selling by using questioning to get the prospective client to identify his or her own needs, as well as Jeffrey Gitomer’s two short books, the Little Red Book of Selling and Little Red Book of Sales Answers, which are long on sales questioning techniques. And I also wrote this post about another book called Why People Don’t Buy Things, by Kim Wallace and Harry Washburn. The great thing about this book is that it dives into the need for variation in sales communication strategies based on BUYER personae, such as The Commander, The Thinker, and The Visualizer.
While both these principles are good – asking questions and tailoring communication styles based on the buyer – anyone who has ever tried to run a whole sales call by asking questions knows that it’s REALLY HARD and can sometimes just outright flop. There’s a new movement that I’ve been reading articles about for a few months now called The Challenger Sale, and I finally finished the book about it this past week.
If you run a company or a sales team that has any kind of complex sale or a hybrid software/service model, then you should read The Challenger Sale: Taking Control of the Customer Conversation, by Matthew Dixon and Brent Adamson. Whether you adopt the methodology or not, there are a few really great insights in the book that will help you recruit and manage a sales team. Some of the insights include:
- Understanding the five types of sales reps and why/when they’re successful/not successful. The labels are telling in and of themselves: the Lone Wolf, the Hard Worker, the Relationship Building, the Reactive Problem Solver, and the Challenger
- Why sales reps can be trained as Challengers, and how important it is to rally an entire organization around this sales model, not just train sales reps on it (that’s probably a good reminder for any sales methodology)
- The ingredients of the Challenger sale – Commercial Teaching for Differentiation, Tailoring for Resonance, Taking Control of the Conversation. I found the section on Commercial Teaching the most enlightening, particularly in our business, where we’re not selling an established category with established budget line items
The Challenger Sale feels like the beginning of a wave that will take over a lot of selling organizations in the next decade, either directly as written or as it inspires ancillary works and related techniques. For that reason alone, it’s worth a read.
Two Ears, One Mouth
Two Ears, One Mouth
Brace yourself for a post full of pithy quotes from others. I’m not sure how we missed this one when drafted our original values statements at Return Path years ago, because it’s always been central to the way we operate. We aren’t just the world’s biggest data-driven email intelligence company – we are a data-driven organization. So another one of our newly written Core Values is:
Two Ears, One Mouth: We ask, listen, learn, and collect data. We engage in constructive debate to reach conclusions and move forward together.
I’m not sure which of my colleagues first said this to me, but I’m going to give credit to Anita, our long-time head of sales (almost a decade!), for saying “There’s a reason God gave you two ears and one mouth.” The meaning? Listen (and look, I suppose) more than you speak.
This value really has two distinct components to it, though they’re closely related. First, we always look to collect data when we need to understand a situation or make a decision. To quote our long-time investor, Board member, and friend Brad Feld, “the plural of anecdote is not data.” That means we are always looking far and wide for facts, numbers, and multiple perspectives. Some of us are better than others at relying on second-hand data and observations from trusted colleagues, which means often times, many of us are collecting data ourselves to inform a situation. But regardless, we always start with the data.
Second, we use data as the foundation of our decision-making process. I heard another great quote about this once, which is something like, “If we are going to make a decision based on data, the data will make the decision for us. If we’re going to use opinion, let’s use mine.” And while I’m at it, I’ll throw in another great quote from Winston Churchill who famously said “Facts are stubborn things.” While we do have constructive debates all across our organization, those debates are driven by facts, not emotion.
Finally, when this value says that “we move forward together,” that is the combination of the points in the two prior paragraphs. People may have different opinions entering a debate. Even with a lot of data behind a decision, they may still have different opinions after a decision has been made. But we work very deliberately to all support a decision, even one we may disagree with, and we are able to do that, move forward together, and explain the decision to the organization, because the decision is data-driven.
Startup CEO (OnlyOnce- the book!)
Startup CEO (OnlyOnce – the book!)
One of the things I’ve often thought over the years since starting Return Path in 1999 is that there’s no instruction manual anywhere for how to be a CEO. While big company CEOs are usually groomed for the job for years, startup CEOs aren’t…and they’re often young and relatively inexperienced in business in general. That became one of the driving forces behind the creation of my blog, OnlyOnce (because “you’re only a first time CEO once”) back in 2004.
Now, over 700 blog posts later, I’m excited to announce that I’m writing a book based on this blog called Startup CEO: A Field Guide to Building and Running Your Company. The book is going to be published by Wiley & Sons and is due out next summer. The book won’t just be a compendium of blog posts, but it will build on a number of the themes and topics I’ve written about over the years and also fill in lots of other topics where I haven’t.
The catalyst for writing this book was Brad Feld. Brad has been a friend, mentor, investor, and Board member for over a decade. We’ve had many great times, meals, and conversations together over the years, not the least of which was staggering across the finish line together at the New York City Marathon in 2005. Brad started writing books a few years ago, and I’ve been peripherally involved with them, first with Do More Faster: TechStars Lessons to Accelerate Your Startup (I contributed one of the chapters) and then with Venture Deals: Be Smarter Than Your Lawyer and Venture Capitalist (I wrote all the “Entrepreneur Perspective” sidebars).
Those are great books, and they’ve been incredibly well received by the global entrepreneurial community. But then Brad got the bug, and now he’s in the middle of writing FOUR new books with Wiley that will all come out over the next year. They are:
- Startup Communities: Building an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem in Your City
- Startup Life: Surviving and Thriving in a Relationship with an Entrepreneur
- Startup Metrics: Making Sense of the Numbers in Your Startup
- Startup Boards: Reinventing the Board of Directors to Better Support the Entrepreneur
These four books, plus the two earlier ones, plus Startup CEO, are all part of the Startup Revolution series. While I’ll continue to do most of my blogging and posting here on OnlyOnce, I’d also encourage you to check out the Startup Revolution site and sign up to be a member of that community. I’ll be doing some things on that site as well in connection with Startup CEO, and it’s a more concentrated place to post and comment on all things Startup. In addition, we’ll be putting a bunch of add-ons to the book on that site closer to publication time.
I hope Startup CEO becomes a standard for all new CEOs. I don’t think I have all the answers, but at least others can benefit by learning from my 13 years of successes and mistakes! Now all I have to do is go write the darned thing.
Job 1
Job 1
The first “new” post in my series of posts about Return Path’s 14 Core Values is, fittingly,
Job 1: We are all responsible for championing and extending our unique culture as a competitive advantage.
The single most frequently asked question I have gotten internally over the last few years since we grew quickly from 100 employees to 350 has been some variant of “Are you worried about our ability to scale our culture as we hire in so many new people?” This value is the answer to that question, though the short answer is “no.”
I am not solely responsible for our culture at Return Path. I’m not sure I ever was, even when we were small. Neither is Angela, our SVP of People. That said, it was certainly true that I was the main architect and driver of our culture in the really early years of the company’s life. And I’d add that even up to an employee base of about 100 people, I and a small group of senior or tenured people really shouldered most of the burden of defining and driving and enforcing our culture and values.
But as the business has grown, the amount of responsibility that I and those few others have for the culture has shrunk as a percentage of the total. It had to, by definition. And that’s the place where cultures either scale or fall apart. Companies who are completely dependent on their founder or a small group of old-timers to drive their cultures can’t possibly scale their cultures as their businesses grow. Five people can be hands on with 100. Five people can’t be hands on with 500. The way we’ve been able to scale is that everyone at the company has taken up the mantle of protecting, defending, championing, and extending the culture. Now we all train new employees in “The RP Way.” We all call each other out when we fail to live up to our values. And the result is that we have done a great job of scaling our culture with our business.
I’d also note that there are elements of our culture which have changed or evolved over the last few years as we’ve grown. That isn’t a bad thing, as I tell old-timers all the time. If our products stayed the same, we’d be dead in the market. If our messaging stayed the same, we’d never sell to a new cohort of clients. If our values stayed the same, we’d be out of step with our own reality.
Finally, this value also folds in another important concept, which is Culture as Competitive Advantage. In an intellectual capital business like ours (or any on the internet), your business is only as good as your people. We believe that a great culture brings in the best people, fosters an environment where they can work at the top of their games even as they grow and broaden their skills, increases the productivity and creativity of the organization’s output through high levels of collaboration, and therefore drives the best performance on a sustained basis. This doesn’t have to be Return Path’s culture or mean that you have to live by our values. This could be your culture and your values. You just have to believe that those things drive your success.
Not a believer yet? Last year, we had voluntary turnover of less than 1%. We promoted or gave new assignments to 15% of our employees. And almost 50% of our new hires were referred by existing employees. Those are some very, very healthy employee metrics that lead directly to competitive advantage. As does our really exciting announcement last week of being #11 in the mid-sized company on Fortune Magazine’s list of the best companies to work for.
Exciting News for Return Path
Exciting News for Return Path
If you’ll indulge me in a quick moment of company self-promotion, we are so excited at Return Path to announce that we have been included in Fortune Magazine’s annual list of the Best Places to Work — we are ranked #11 in the Medium Size Company category! Our official blog post/press release are here.
This is really exciting and a testament to all 360+ of our talented team members at the company. When we talk about one of our core values as being Job 1 — a shared responsibility for championing and extending our unique culture as a competitive advantage — this is one of those examples of where the theory becomes reality!
Of the many things I may have had in mind for the Return Path of the future on December 6, 1999, winning what is probably the most prestigious “employer of choice” award in the world certainly wasn’t one of them, but it was wonderful to receive the acknowledgment. Congratulations to the whole team here on this great achievement!
Think Global, Act Local
Think Global, Act Local
At Return Path, we have always had a commitment to community service and helping make the world around us a better place. We ratcheted that up a lot in the last year, which is why we added the following statement in as one of our 14 Core Values:
Think Global, Act Local. We commit our time and energy to support our local communities.
We feel strongly that companies can and should make the world a better place in several different ways. Certainly, many companies’ core businesses do that — just look at all the breakthroughs in medicine and social services over the years brought to market by private enterprises, including my friend Raj Vinnakota, who I blogged about here years ago.
But many companies, including Return Path, aren’t inherently “save the world” in nature, and those companies can still make a difference in the world in a few ways:
- Allow employees to take a limited amount of paid time off for community service work
- Organize projects in the local community for their employees to help out/work at
- Provide matching gift programs so employees’ donations are enhanced by the company
- Donate money or services to charitable organizations they believe in
As a relatively small company, we have had to pick our battles here. When we were smaller, we had a policy for #1 above that allowed employees 5 days per year of paid time off for community service work in addition to vacation. We organized projects here and there for employees, including various walks and races and drives, and multiple Habitat for Humanity projects, including one that our employees blogged extensively about after Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans (see Tom Bartel’s final blog post of 7 here. We never had a specific policy around matching donations, but we were always quick to support one-off employee requests. And we did have comprehensive program for #4 above to donate cash and in-kind services to one particular charitable organization that fought Multiple Sclerosis, which was inspired by a long-time employee who was diagnosed with MS.
Over the years, our approach has evolved around service. When we moved to an Open Vacation policy a few years back, we effectively eliminated the Community Service time off benefit since people can just go do that now under the umbrella time-off policy. We do still organize some projects for employees from time-to-time, but those are done on an office-by-office basis. The biggest change in our approach was to stop doing company-run projects, stop responding to one-off requests from employees, and stop supporting a single organization. We felt that those things, while good, were diffusing the impact that we could potentially have.
So this year we launched something called the Dream Fund. Once each quarter, we invite self-forming teams of employees to submit applications for a $10,000 grant to help make some corner of their community a better place. There are some loose guidelines around the use of funds (e.g., they can’t be a straight donation, they have to include some hands-on work), and we have a panel select each quarter’s winner. So far, we have had two projects run very successfully:
- Sistas Against Cancer which supports the Avan Walk for Breast Cancer.
- Tennyson Center for Children. This charity supports kids suffering from abuse, neglect, emotional crises and other traumatic experiences will get the help they need while finding healing and HOPE in a safe and caring environment
There’s no right way to do community service as a company. Bu t we feel strongly that part of our “mission” (an overused word if there ever was one) was to have an impact on the world around us – not just on our customers and fellow employees, but by using our time and money to help those who need it most in the many communities where we operate around the world.
Book Short: the Garage Workbench of the Future
Book Short: the Garage Workbench of the Future
Makers: The New Industrial Revolution, by Wired Magazine’s Chris Anderson, author of The Long Tail (review, buy) and Free (review, buy) is just as mind expanding as his prior two books were at the time they were published. I had the pleasure of talking with Chris for a few minutes after he finished his keynote address at DMA2012 in Las Vegas this week, and I was inspired to read the book, which I did on the flight home.
The short of it is that Anderson paints a very vivid picture of the future world where the Long Tail not only applies to digital goods but to physical goods as well. The seeds of this future world are well planted already in 3D printing, which I have been increasingly hearing about and will most likely be experimenting with come the holiday season (family – please take note!).
As someone who, like Anderson, tinkered with various forms of building as a kid in Shop at school and in the garage with my dad, it’s fascinating to think about a world where you can dream a physical product up, or download a design of it, or 3D scan it and modify it, and press a “make” button like you press a “print” button today on your computer, and have the product show up in your living room within minutes for almost nothing. This will change the world when the technology matures and gets cheaper and more ubiquitous. And this book is the blueprint for that change.
While we may look back on this book in 5 or 10 years, and say “DUH,” which is what many people would say now about The Long Tail or Free, for right now, this gets a WOW.
Return Path Core Values, Part III
Return Path Core Values, Part III
Last year, I wrote a series of 13 posts documenting and illustrating Return Path’s core values. This year, we just went through a comprehensive all-company process of updating our values. We didn’t change our values – you can’t do that! – but we did revise the way we present our values to ourselves and the world. It had been four years since we wrote the original values up, and the business has evolved in many ways. Quite frankly, the process of writing up all these blog posts for OnlyOnce last year was what led me to think it was time for a bit of a refresh.
The result of the process was that we combined a few values statements, change the wording of a few others, added a few new ones, and organized and labeled them better. We may not have a catchy acronym like Rand Fishkin’s TAGFEE, but these are now much easier for us to articulate internally. So now we have 14 values statements, but they don’t exactly map to the prior ones one for one. The new presentation and statements are:
People First
- Job 1: We are responsible for championing and extending our unique culture as a competitive advantage.
- People Power: We trust and believe in our people as the foundation of success with our clients and shareholders.
- Think Like an Owner: We are a community of A Players who are all owners in the business. We provide freedom and flexibility in exchange for consistently high performance.
- Seriously Fun: We are serious about our job and lighthearted about our day. We are obsessively kind to and respectful of each other, and appreciate each other’s quirks.
Do the Right Thing
- No Secrets: We are transparent and direct so that people know where the company stands and where they stand, so that they can make great decisions.
- Spirit of the Law: We do the right thing, even if it means going beyond what’s written on paper.
- Raise the Bar: We lead our industry to set standards that inboxes should only contain messages that are relevant, trusted, and safe.
- Think Global, Act Local: We commit our time and energy to support our local communities.
Succeed Together
- Results-Focused: We focus on building a great business and a great company in an open, accessible environment.
- Aim High and Be Bold: We learn from others, then we write our own rules to be a pioneer in our industry and create a model workplace. We take risks and challenge complacency, mediocrity, and decisions that don’t make sense.
- Two Ears, One Mouth: We ask, listen, learn, and collect data. We engage in constructive debate to reach conclusions and move forward together.
- Collaboration is King: We solve problems together and help each other out along the way. We keep our commitments and communicate diligently when we can’t.
- Learning Loops: We are a learning organization. We aren’t embarrassed by our mistakes – we communicate and learn from them so we can grow in our jobs.
- Not Just About Us: We know we’re successful when our clients are successful and our users are happy.
For the 4 values which are “new,” I will write a post each, just as I did the old ones and run them over the next couple months. RPers, I will go back and combine/revise my prior posts for us to use internally, but I won’t bother editing old blog posts.
Scaling Horizontally
Scaling Horizontally
Other CEOs ask me from time to time how we develop people at Return Path, how we scale our organization, how we make sure that we aren’t just hiring in new senior people as we grow larger. And there are good answers to those questions – some of which I’ve written about before, some of which I’ll do in the future.
But one thing that occurred to me in a conversation with another CEO recently was that, equally important to the task of helping people scale by promoting them whenever possible is the task of recognizing when that can’t work, and figuring out another solution to retain and grow those people. A couple other things I’ve written on this specific topic recently include:
The Peter Principle Applied to Management, which focuses on keeping people as individual contributors when they’re not able to move vertically into a management role within their function or department, and
You Can’t Teach a Cat How to Bark, But you Might be able to Teach it How to Walk on its Hind Legs, which talks about understanding people’s limitations.
Another important point to make here, though, is thinking about how to help employees scale horizontally instead of vertically (e.g., to more senior/management roles within their existing function or department). Horizontally scaling is allowing employees to continue to grow and develop, and overtime, become more senior and more valuable to the organization, by moving into different roles on different teams.
We’ve had instances over the years of engineering managers becoming product managers; account managers becoming product managers; product managers becoming sales leaders; client operations people moving into marketing; account managers moving into sales; I could go on and on. We’ve even had executives switch departments or add completely new functions to their portfolio.
Moves like this don’t always work. You do have to make sure people have the aptitude for their new role. But when moves like this do work, they’re fantastic. You give people new challenges, keep them fresh and energized, bring new perspective to teams, and retain talent and knowledge. And when you let someone scale horizontally, make sure to celebrate the move publicly so others know that kind of thing can be available… and be sure to reward the person for their knowledge and performance to date, even if they’re moving laterally within your org chart.
Email Intelligence and the new Return Path
Welcome to the new Return Path.
For a tech company to grow and thrive in the 21st century it must be in a state of constant adaptation. We have been the global market leaders in email deliverability since my co-founder George Bilbrey coined that term back in 2002. In fact, back in 2008 we announced a major corporate reorganization, divesting ourselves of some legacy businesses in order to focus on deliverability as our core business.
Since then Return Path has grown tremendously thanks to that focus, but we have grown to the point where it’s time for us to redefine ourselves once again. Now we’re launching a new chapter in the company’s history to meet evolving needs in our marketplace. We’re establishing ourselves as the global market leaders in email intelligence. Read on and I’ll explain what that means and why it’s important.
What Return Path Released Today
We launched three new products today to improve inbox placement rate (the new Inbox Monitor, now including subscriber-level data), identify phishing attacks (Email Brand Monitor), and make it easier to understand subscriber engagement and benchmark your program against your competition (Inbox Insight, a groundbreaking new solution). We’ve also released an important research study conducted by David Daniels at The Relevancy Group.
The report’s findings parallel what we’ve been hearing more and more recently. Email marketers are struggling with two core problems that complicate their decision making: They have access to so much data, they can’t possibly analyze it fast enough or thoroughly enough to benefit from it; and too often they don’t have access to the data they really need.
Meanwhile they face new challenges in addition to the ones email marketers have been battling for years. It’s still hard to get to the inbox, and even to monitor how much mail isn’t getting there. It’s still hard to protect brands and their customers from phishing and spoofing, and even to see when mail streams are under attack. And it’s still hard to see engagement measurements, even as they become more important to marketing performance.
Email Intelligence is the Answer
Our solution to these problems is Email Intelligence. Email intelligence is the combination of data from across the email ecosystem, analytics that make it accessible and manageable, and insight that makes it actionable. Marketers need all of these to understand their email performance beyond deliverability. They need it to benchmark themselves against competitors, to gain a complete understanding of their subscribers’ experience, and to accurately track and report the full impact of their email programs. In fact, we have redefined our company’s mission statement to align with our shift from being the global leader in Email Deliverability to being the global leader in Email Intelligence:
We analyze email data and build solutions that generate insights for senders, mailbox providers, and users to ensure that inboxes contain only messages that users want
The products we are launching today, in combination with the rest of our Email Intelligence Solution for Marketers that’s been serving clients for a decade, will help meet these market needs, but we continue to look ahead to find solutions to bigger problems. I see our evolution into an Email Intelligence company as an opportunity to change the entire ecosystem, to make email better, more welcome, more effective, and more secure.
David’s researchoffers a unique view of marketers’ place in the ecosystem, where they want to get to, how much progress they’ve made, and how big a lead the top competitors have opened up against the rest. (It can also give you a sense of where your efforts stack up vs. the rest of the industry.) There are definitely some surprises, but for me the biggest takeaway was no surprise at all: The factors that separate the leaders are essentially the core components of what we define as Email Intelligence.