

links for 2006-07-02

Seth’s Blog: Nine things marketers ought to know about salespeople (and two bonuses) Great blog posting from Seth Godin on things the rest of us need to remember about how challenging it is to sell…and a couple pointers for the sales team about how to handle the rest of us! (tags: Sales Marketing Management selling)

links for 2006-06-26

Kevin Menzie Slice of Lime, Inc. CEO Kevin Menzie, who I have known for years, writes a good summary of his thoughts on the early days of getting a startup off the ground and growing fast! (tags: Entrepreneur)

Environmentally Unsound

I received in the mail yesterday (by overnight priority mail, no less), a 400+ page prospectus from Mittal, a Dutch company in which I apparently own a few shares of stock through a managed mutual fund I’m part of. This book was BIG – well over 2 inches thick and big enough to have a binding strip instead of staples. And it had enough legalese in it to put anyone to sleep. What did I do with it? After ranting about how silly it was to ever print such a thing for mass push distribution to an audience that largely doesn’t care about it — straight into the trash. With a big thud, of course. What a ridiculous waste. Why…

links for 2006-06-16

Not all successful CEOs are extroverts: Financial News – Yahoo! Finance Brad tipped me off to this article — it’s a good one and draws on a lot of the work and thinking done by Jim Collins in both Good to Great and Built to Last (links to both books on my blog in the books sidebar). (tags: Books Entrepreneur Management)

links for 2006-06-05

Why I think ClickFraud is far greater than imagined. – Blog Maverick – _ Dallas Mavs owner and Internet entrepreneur Mark Cuban on Click Fraud, a notorious member of the Internet Axis of Evil (tags: Email Technology Media Marketing)

Test of mobile blogging

I know – everyone else started doing this 50 years ago, but thought I’d see how it works blogging from my Treo. -Matt

links for 2006-05-10 – Heard on the Street Amazon, Microsoft, and Google on big marketing spend (tags: Marketing Media Technology)

links for 2006-04-13

The Growth Guy: Nine tricks buyers use to “steal” your company Really thorough posting (battle scars *may* be present based on the level of detail) about how to best position your company for sale. (tags: Entrepreneur VC)

links for 2006-04-07 Hiring Salespeople Good posting from Terry Gold of Gold Systems on his experiences over the years hiring and ramping up a sales team. (tags: Entrepreneur Sales Management)

links for 2006-03-30

Seth’s Blog: Going to meetings A great posting about Vendor Love from Seth Godin! (tags: Entrepreneur)

links for 2006-03-28

Feld Thoughts Brad has a good posting today about entrepreneur accountability — along the lines of my “Forecast Early and Often” theme. — /2005/11/notsocounter_cl.html (tags: VC Entrepreneur)