As part of the new section on Exits in the Second Edition of the book (order here), there’s a specific chapter around handling the post-sale transition and integration process. No two transitions are exactly the same. If the buyer is a financial sponsor, you may have the same job the day after the deal closes that you had the day before, just with a new owner and new rules for you. Sometimes you’ll stay on with a strategic buyer as the head of a division, or the head of your product. Sometimes you leave on Day 1. Sometimes you leave later. But the most important thing you can do is remember that once the deal is over, it’s over. That’s…
Startup CEO
Startup CEO Second Edition Teaser: The Sale Process
As part of the new section on Exits in the Second Edition of the book (order here), there’s a specific chapter around the sale process itself. There are some interesting things in it — the arc and timeline of a deal, working with and through advisors vs. principals dealing with each other directly, optimizing for different stakeholders, and a wonderful long sidebar by my friends and advisors Brian Andersen and Mark Greenbaum from Luma Partners on how to think strategically about an exit and how buyers think. It’s probably worth buying the whole book just for that. But what I want to write about here is coping with a failed deal – something my team and I unfortunately had to…
Startup CEO Second Edition Teaser: Preparing Your Company for an Exit
As part of the new section on Exits in the Second Edition of the book (order here), there’s a specific chapter around Preparing Your Company for an Exit. That’s pretty different than Preparing Yourself (last week’s post). This chapter really focuses on two things. One is how to think about who within your company knows about the possible deal, which conversations you keep private and which you have more in public. I’ll save the details on that one for the book. But there’s a second topic that’s important as well. And it’s about due diligence and disclosure schedules. What fun! I call it “Begin with the end in mind.” The advice in this section of the book, which is “get…
Startup CEO Second Edition Teaser: Selling Your Company – Preparing Yourself for an Exit
One of the new sections in the Second Edition (order here) that I’m excited to share is a deep dive with several chapters on selling your company. The next few blog posts will share some of my thinking on the subjects as they’re arranged into chapters in the book. For many startup CEOs the culmination of their life’s work is an exit of some kind (other than being fired!). Personally, there were a range of emotions surging through me when we got to the point of a sale and while the financial reward can be enticing, there are a lot of things that you start to think about, like all the things you created, all the offsites with your team,…
Startup CEO, Second Edition Teaser: The Importance of Authentic Leadership in Changing Times
As I mentioned the other day, the second edition of Startup CEO is out. This post is a teaser for the content in one of the new chapters in this edition on Authentic Leadership. As I mentioned last week, the book went to press early in the COVID-19 pandemic and prior to all the protests around racial injustice surrounding the George Floyd killing, so nothing in it specifically addresses any of those issues. In some ways, though, that may be better at the moment since the book is more about frameworks and principles than about specific responses to current events. Two of those principles, which are timeless and transcend turmoil, uncertainty, time and place, are creating space to think and…
Startup CEO, Second Edition
I haven’t taken a poll to figure out the overlap between people who read this blog and people that bought the first edition of Startup CEO, but I’m guessing there’s a high degree of it. If you are familiar with the book, I don’t want to bore you with a recap of what I wrote, but I thought I would devote the next several blogs to new ideas in the second edition. First, the new cover art from the publisher is kind of cool: The first question you might have is, “Why a second edition? Didn’t you say everything you needed to say the first time?” The answer to that is, yes, I did say everything I had to say…
Back in Business
If you’ve been reading this blog for a long time (amazingly, it is over 16 years old now!), you know that my company and main professional life’s work up to this point, Return Path, was a 1999 vintage email technology company that we sold last year. I then had a couple other interim leadership roles, first as interim CEO of another tech company in New York, then in March as the founder and interim leader of Colorado’s COVID-19 Innovation Response Team, which I wrote a series of blog posts about (this is the final post in the series, which links to the whole series). I’ve generally been quiet on OnlyOnce since last year, but I will be picking up the…
State of Colorado COVID-19 Innovation Response Team, Part VII – Retrospective
(This is the seventh and final post in a series documenting the work I did in Colorado on the Governor’s COVID-19 Innovation Response Team – IRT. Other posts in order are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.) I’ll start the final post in this series by sharing the overview and retrospective deck that we created my last day and the two days after. Governor Polis is going to share this with the National Governors Association in case other states are interested in our model or learnings. This pdf, which you’re welcome to download or just view in SlideShare, is a good overview of what we did and where things stood as of Saturday, March 28, noting that by the…
State of Colorado COVID-19 Innovation Response Team, Part VI – How This Compared to Running a Company
(This is the sixth post in a series documenting the work I did in Colorado on the Governor’s COVID-19 Innovation Response Team – IRT. Other posts in order are 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.) As these posts have been running, a few people have asked me to quickly compare this experience to the experience of being a Startup CEO. And that’s an interesting way to think about it. In a lot of ways, the couple of weeks of getting the IRT up and running felt like starting up a new business, only a lot more intense. Following the outline of sections in Startup CEO: a field guide to scaling up your business… Part One: Storytelling. The whole timeframe was…
State of Colorado COVID-19 Innovation Response Team, Part V – Wrapping Up, Days 10-12
(This is the fifth post in a series documenting the work I did in Colorado on the Governor’s COVID-19 Innovation Response Team – IRT. Other posts in order are 1, 2, 3, and 4.) Thursday, March 26, Day 10 Sarah continuing to take over and stronger by the day Sarah cleared me to go home, only one more person to ask Deep deep dive on Mass Testing – so good to spend that time Pretty much got the strategy right – shocking we could get that close with so little public health experience – Kyle awesome – EOC leadership briefing That was most of the day Some downloads to Sarah and Kacey Feeling that two of our project teams are…
State of Colorado COVID-19 Innovation Response Team, Part IV – Replacing Myself, Days 7-9
(This is the fourth post in a series documenting the work I did in Colorado on the Governor’s COVID-19 Innovation Response Team – IRT. Other posts in order are 1, 2, and 3.) Monday, March 23, Day 7 Wellness screening – put hot cup of coffee against my temples – now finally the thermometer works (although I can’t say that it gives me a high degree of comfort that I have figured out a workaround!) Furious execution and still backlog is growing no matter how much I do – thank goodness team is growing. Never seen this before – work coming in faster than I can process it, and I am a fast processer. Inbox clean when I go to…