The Wheels of Justice Move Slowly
The Wheels of Justice Move Slowly
I am on Jury Duty this week, or Jury Service, as it seems to have been renamed since the last time I did it. Although it’s a pain and disruptive to my schedule, I never mind doing this — it’s all part of the social contract here, right?
I have two main observations so far from my general view of the world:
1. How on earth does the justice system actually function? "Business hours" are basically 10-12 and then 2:30-4:00. I assume that at least some work happens before and after, but yeesh. If I ran my business that way…well, you know. Could it be that our government might be a little more effective if people worked a little more?
2. On a very impressive note, the courthouse now has free wi-fi in it. You should have heard people applaud when the clerk announced that. The processes and systems may be antiquated here, but at least they figured this one thing out!